Source code for pandas_genomics.scalars

This module contains scalar types, some of which are used in the ExtensionArrays.  They may also be useful on their own.

.. autosummary::
     :toctree: scalars

import uuid
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Union

# Integer indicating a missing allele or genotype score.
# Each variant must have 254 alleles max and the maximum genotype score is 254.

[docs]class Variant: """ Information about a variant. Parameters ---------- chromosome: str, optional None by default, through this usually is not desired. position: int, optional (1-based, the default is 0 for none/unknown) id: str, optional None by default ref: str, optional Reference allele, 'N' by default alt: List[str] or str, optional One (or a list of) possible alternate alleles, empty list by default ploidy: int, optional The number of alleles that should be present. Assumed to be 2 if not specified. score: int, optional A quality score for the Variant. No assumptions are made about the meaning. Notes ----- Missing alleles are shown as `.`, such as `A/.` or `./.` Examples -------- >>> variant = Variant('12', 112161652, id='rs12462', ref='A', alt=['C', 'T']) >>> print(variant) rs12462[chr=12;pos=112161652;ref=A;alt=C,T] """
[docs] def __init__( self, chromosome: Optional[str] = None, position: int = 0, id: Optional[str] = None, ref: Optional[str] = "N", alt: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, ploidy: Optional[int] = None, score: Optional[int] = None, ): self.chromosome = chromosome self.position = position if id is None: # Use a UUID to avoid duplicate IDs id = str(uuid.uuid4()) = id if ploidy is None: self.ploidy = 2 elif ploidy < 1: raise ValueError( f"If specified, ploidy must be >= 1, but was specified as {ploidy}" ) else: self.ploidy = ploidy self.score = score # Validate alleles # TODO: Validate ref and alt alleles using regex if ref is None: ref = "N" if alt is None: alt = [] elif type(alt) == str: alt = [ alt, ] if ref in alt: raise ValueError( f"The ref allele ({ref}) was also listed as an alt allele." ) if len(alt) >= MISSING_IDX: raise ValueError( f"Too many alternate alleles ({len(alt):,} > {MISSING_IDX})" ) # Store alleles in a big list with the ref first self.alleles = [ ref, ] + alt # Validate the passed parameters if self.chromosome is not None and ( ";" in self.chromosome or "," in self.chromosome ): raise ValueError( f"The chromosome cannot contain ';' or ',': '{self.chromosome}'" ) if self.position > ((2 ** 31) - 2): raise ValueError( f"The 'position' value may not exceed 2^31-2, {self.position:,} was specified" ) if is not None and (";" in or "," in raise ValueError(f"The variant_id cannot contain ';' or ',': '{}'")
@property def ref(self): return self.alleles[0] @property def alt(self): return ",".join(self.alleles[1:]) def __str__(self): score_str = "" if self.score is not None: score_str = f"Q{self.score}" return f"{}[chr={self.chromosome};pos={self.position};ref={self.ref};alt={self.alt}]{score_str}" def __repr__(self): return ( f"Variant(chromosome={self.chromosome}, position={self.position}, " f"id={}, ref={self.ref}, alt={self.alleles[1:]}, " f"ploidy={self.ploidy}, score={self.score})" ) def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented return ( (self.chromosome == other.chromosome) & (self.position == other.position) & ( == & (self.alleles == other.alleles) & (self.ploidy == other.ploidy) & (self.score == other.score) ) def add_allele(self, allele): """ Add a potential allele to the variant Parameters ---------- allele: str Returns ------- None """ if allele in self.alleles: raise ValueError(f"Allele already exists in the variant") if len(self.alleles) < MISSING_IDX: self.alleles.append(allele) else: raise ValueError( f"Couldn't add new allele to {self}, {MISSING_IDX} alleles max." ) print(f"Alternate alleles = {self.alt}") def get_idx_from_allele(self, allele: Optional[str], add: bool = False) -> int: """ Get the integer value for an allele based on this variant's list of alleles, optionally adding it as a new allele Parameters ---------- allele: str add: bool If `add` is True and the allele doesn't exist in the variant, add it If 'add' is False and the allele doesn't exist in the variant, return the missing index value Returns ------- int The integer value for the allele in the variant """ if allele is None or (allele == "."): return MISSING_IDX else: try: # Get allele idx allele_idx = self.alleles.index(allele) except ValueError: if add: # Add as a new allele self.add_allele(allele) allele_idx = len(self.alleles) - 1 else: raise ValueError(f"'{allele}' is not an allele in {self}") return allele_idx def get_allele_from_idx(self, idx: int) -> str: """ Get the allele corresponding to an index value for this variant Parameters ---------- idx: int Returns ------- str String representation of the allele """ if idx == MISSING_IDX: return "." # Missing allele symbol, same as VCF elif idx > len(self.alleles) - 1: raise ValueError( f"Invalid index (idx) for a variant with {len(self.alleles)} alleles" ) else: return self.alleles[idx] def is_valid_allele_idx(self, idx: int) -> bool: """ Validate the integer value for an allele with respect to this variant Parameters ---------- idx: int allele index value to be checked Returns ------- bool True if the index value is valid (including None/Missing value) False if the index value is not valid (negative or a nonexistent allele index) """ if idx == MISSING_IDX: # None/Missing return True elif idx < 0: return False elif idx > (len(self.alleles) - 1): return False else: return True def is_same_position(self, other): """ Confirms this is a variant at the same position Parameters ---------- other: Variant Another variant to compare Returns ------- bool True if the variant_id, chromosome, position, and ref allele all match. False otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, Variant): return ( == and self.chromosome == other.chromosome and self.position == other.position and self.alleles[0] == other.alleles[0] and self.ploidy == other.ploidy ) else: return False def make_genotype(self, *alleles: str, add_alleles: bool = False) -> "Genotype": """ Create a Genotype object associated with this variant using the specified allele(s) Parameters ---------- alleles: zero or more alleles (as strings) that make up the genotype. If ploidy > the number of specified alleles, missing alleles will be filled in. add_alleles: bool False by default. If True, add alleles if the Variant doesn't have them yet. Returns ------- Genotype A Genotype based on this variant with the specified alleles """ if len(alleles) > self.ploidy: raise ValueError( f"Too many alleles ({len(alleles)} specified for a variant with ploidy of {self.ploidy}" ) allele_idxs = [self.get_idx_from_allele(a, add=add_alleles) for a in alleles] missing_idxs = [MISSING_IDX] * (self.ploidy - len(self.alleles)) return Genotype(self, allele_idxs + missing_idxs) def make_genotype_from_str( self, gt_str: str, sep: str = "/", add_alleles: bool = False ) -> "Genotype": """ Create a Genotype object associated with this variant using the specified allele string Parameters ---------- gt_str: str A string containing two alleles separated by a delimiter character sep: str The delimiter used to separate alleles in the gt_str ('/' by default) add_alleles: bool False by default. If True, add alleles if the Variant doesn't have them yet. Returns ------- Genotype A Genotype based on this variant with the specified alleles """ # Process Allele String alleles = gt_str.split(sep) if len(alleles) > self.ploidy: raise ValueError( f"Too many alleles ({len(alleles)} specified for a variant with ploidy of {self.ploidy}" ) allele_idxs = [self.get_idx_from_allele(a, add=add_alleles) for a in alleles] missing_idxs = [MISSING_IDX] * (self.ploidy - len(self.alleles)) return Genotype(self, allele_idxs + missing_idxs) def as_dict(self): """Return the variant information as a dictionary""" return { "id":, "chromsome": self.chromosome, "position": self.position, "ref": self.ref, "alt": self.alt, "ploidy": self.ploidy, "score": self.score, }
[docs]class Genotype: """ Genotype information associated with a specific variant. Defaults to using an anonymous variant with two unknown alleles (diploid). Usually created with methods on ~Variant Parameters ---------- variant: pandas_genomics.scalars.variant.Variant allele_idxs: List[int] Alleles encoded as indexes into the variant allele list score: int, optional A quality score for the Genotype between 0 and 254. 255 or < 0 is treated as missing. Examples -------- >>> variant = Variant('12', 112161652, 'rs12462') >>> genotype = variant.make_genotype_from_str('C/T') >>> print(genotype) C/T >>> missing_genotype = Genotype(variant) >>> print(missing_genotype) <Missing> """
[docs] def __init__( self, variant: Variant, allele_idxs: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, score: Optional[int] = None, ): # Determine alleles/ploidy if allele_idxs is not None and len(allele_idxs) > variant.ploidy: raise ValueError( f"{len(allele_idxs)} alleles given for a variant with ploidy of {variant.ploidy}" ) elif allele_idxs is None: allele_idxs = [] # Fill in any missing allele_idxs allele_idxs = list(allele_idxs) + [MISSING_IDX] * ( variant.ploidy - len(allele_idxs) ) # Ensure allele_idxs is a sorted tuple allele_idxs = tuple(sorted(allele_idxs)) self.variant = variant self.allele_idxs = allele_idxs if score is not None: score = int(score) if score < 0 or score > 255: raise ValueError("The score must be between 0 and 255, inclusive") elif score == 255: score = None self.score = score # Validate parameters for a in self.allele_idxs: if not self.variant.is_valid_allele_idx(a): raise ValueError(f"Invalid allele index for {self.variant}: {a}")
def __str__(self): if all([i == MISSING_IDX for i in self.allele_idxs]): return "<Missing>" else: return "/".join( [self.variant.get_allele_from_idx(i) for i in self.allele_idxs] ) def __repr__(self): score_str = "" if self.score is not None: score_str = f"Q{self.score}" return f"Genotype(variant={self.variant})[{str(self)}]" + score_str def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented if self.variant != other.variant: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compare different variants") return self.allele_idxs == other.allele_idxs def __lt__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented if self.variant != other.variant: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compare different variants") else: # Compare allele index values for sorting for selfa, othera in zip(self.allele_idxs, other.allele_idxs): if selfa < othera: return True elif othera < selfa: return False # All Equal return False def __gt__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented if self.variant != other.variant: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compare different variants") else: # Compare allele index values for sorting for selfa, othera in zip(self.allele_idxs, other.allele_idxs): if selfa > othera: return True elif othera > selfa: return False # All Equal return False def __le__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented if self.variant != other.variant: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compare different variants") else: # Compare allele index values for sorting for selfa, othera in zip(self.allele_idxs, other.allele_idxs): if selfa < othera: return True elif othera < selfa: return False # All Equal return True def __ge__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented if self.variant != other.variant: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compare different variants") else: # Compare allele index values for sorting for selfa, othera in zip(self.allele_idxs, other.allele_idxs): if selfa > othera: return True elif othera > selfa: return False # All Equal return True def is_missing(self) -> bool: """ Returns ------- bool True if the variant is missing (both alleles are None), otherwise False """ return all([a == MISSING_IDX for a in self.allele_idxs]) @property def _float_score(self): """Convenience method for storing score as a uint8""" if self.score is None: return 255 else: return self.score
[docs]@dataclass(order=True) class Region: chromosome: str start: int end: int name: str = "" """ Information associated with a genomic region. Parameters ---------- chomosome: str start, end: int 1-based, open-ended (includes start, not end) name: str name/comment for the region Examples -------- >>> region1 = Region('chr12', 12345, 12387) >>> region2 = Region('chr12', 5236373, 5246380) >>> print(region1 < region2) True """ def __post_init__(self): """Run after init, use to validate input""" if not isinstance(self.chromosome, str): raise TypeError(f"chromosome should be a str, not {type(self.chromosome)}") if not isinstance(self.start, int) or not isinstance(self.end, int): raise TypeError("start and end must be integers") if self.start < 1 or self.end < 1: raise ValueError("start and end must both be > 0 (1-based indexing)") if self.start >= self.end: raise ValueError( "start must be <= end, since the start is included and the end is not." ) def contains_variant(self, var: Variant): if var.chromosome != self.chromosome: return False if var.position < self.start: return False if var.position >= self.end: return False return True